Foil-backed Board

Plasterboard with added protection
Give yourself extra peace of mind by choosing Foil Backed Plasterboard.
In circumstances where humidity and damp are a concern, foil backed insulation board utilises a thin foil backing to provide great vapour resistance. It’s not a complete damp solution but does provide the security of a foil membrane that acts as a powerful barrier, limiting moisture diffusion and preventing creeping damp. This makes it ideal for use in roofs, decks and walls.

Vapour Board
MANUFACTURER: SiniatErat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit. Ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor. Neque ornare aenean euismod elementum.
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D

WallBoard Duplex
MANUFACTURER: British GypsumErat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit. Ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor. Neque ornare aenean euismod elementum.
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
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