Rainscreen Insulation

Performing at new heights
Designed to work in conjunction with rainscreen cladding systems on taller structures, rainscreen insulation has advanced water repellent capabilities that provide weather proofing and enhanced thermal, fire and acoustic performance.

Rainscreen Duo-Slab
MANUFACTURER: RockwoolErat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit. Ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor. Neque ornare aenean euismod elementum.
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D

RainScreen Slab
MANUFACTURER: Knauf InsulationErat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui accumsan sit. Ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolor. Neque ornare aenean euismod elementum.
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
- 2400 mm H x 1200 mm W x 12.5 mm D
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